

It's too bad! I took a practice test of listening. I went on correctly answer 52 out of 100. What should I do? I still have the work of memorizing every day. Sometimes, I had listening trainings using English websites. I have only two weeks until the TOEIC test. I will try everything I can for the test. 

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1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, I just saw your blog, I am in my 40's and want improve my english skill too. So far, my TOEIC goal is 800 or 英検準1.
    I have two kids but they are getting old day by day. I have more time for studying english now so I made a goal. It is not easy to memorize lots of words but I just want to prove myself that I still can do it.

    Your blog motivated me to keep up my blog in english. Thank you!!
