

It's been a long time since I wrote this blog. How time flies! I reopen writing about studying for TOEIC and things in my daily life. So far, my score is 785, and I'm going to take the test in November. Now, I study for the test by using some textbooks. The difficult parts are part 3, 4 and 7. Especially, I can't always manage the time during the test. Lack of time is very crutial for me. I'd like to improve it as much as I can.

By the way, according to weather news, typhoon is approaching to Japan. It will hit Tokyo tomorrow. How many times does the typhoon make landfall in Japan? I don’t like this atmosphere which shows cloudy and humidity before typhoon, and also don’t like this feeling without stop thinking about it. If the power of typhoon is strong, it’s terrible to get the natural and infrastructural damage. I hope the typhoon is disappeared and changed to good weather!


にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

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